Se incluirán aquí futuros anuncios de congresos, seminarios, conferencias, etc, de posible interés para los miembros del equipo.





  • Master Class "Topologie, Géométrie et Théorie des Singularités. Marseille (Francia), 25 a 29 de abril de 2022.

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    • Contacto: Guillaume Rond (guillaume.rond(AT)
    • Info: De interés para estudiantes de Máster o Doctorado. Información más completa AQUÍ. Se impartirán los cursos siguientes: 

       1) Singularités des courbes complexe.
       2) Théorie des nœuds
       3) Cubiques planes, courbes elliptiques et surfaces de Riemann de genre 1. 
  • FELIM (Functional Equations in LIMoges) 2022. Limoges (Francia, 28 a 30 de marzo de 2022.

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    • Info: Functional Equations in Limoges (FELIM 2022) is the thirteenth in a series of annual international gatherings for researchers in functional equations.

      This conference, held annually at the University of Limoges since 2008, aims to present recent advances in symbolic or symbolic-numeric algorithms which treat systems of linear or nonlinear functional equations such as ordinary or partial, differential equations, (q-)difference equations,... Additionally, FELIM emphasizes on the development state of related software implementations and the publicity of such codes.

      Topics include, but are not limited to, ordinary differential equations, difference equations, partial differential equations; integration of dynamical systems; methods for local solving (formal, symbolic-numeric, modular); methods for global solving or simplification (e.g., decomposition, factorisation); applications and software applications.



  • Tropical Geometry and Singularities. Lille (Francia), 21-23 de septiembre de 2021.

  • DDays 2021. Lérida (España), 8 al 10 de septiembre de 2021. PRESENCIAL.

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    • Info: Décima reunión de la red temática DANCE (Dinámica, Atractores y No linealidad. Caos y Estabilidad). Sesión Científica sobre "Dinámica de gérmenes de difeomorfismos", coordinada por F.ernando Sanz

  • Workshop FASnet21 (Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations on the Internet). Alcalá de Henares (España), 28 de junio - 2 de julio de 2021. Formato VIRTUAL.

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    • Info: It aims to bring together experts in the field of formal and analytic solutions of functional equations, such as differential, partial differential, difference, q-difference, q-difference-differential equations.


  • V Encuentro Conjunto de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) y la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (SMM). Guanajuato (México), 14-18 de junio de 2021. Formato VIRTUAL.

  • Summer school of the ANR "Symplectic, real, and tropical aspects of enumerative geometry", Le Croisic (Francia) , June 14-18, 2021.

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    • Info: The goal of this school is to present several of these aspects through 4 courses of 4 hours each.The lectures will be given by - Denis Auroux (Harvard, to be confirmed) - Pierrick Bousseau (CNRS, Université de Paris Sud) - Viatcheslav Kharlamov (Université de Strasbourg) - Olivier Wittenberg (CNRS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) The school will take place at the very nice Domaine de Port aux Rocs, on the seaside: The organization will support the stay of all selected participants (lodging and meals at the hotel). 
  • Workshop hybride « O-minimality and foliations ». CIRM (Marsella, Francia), 31 de mayo a 4 de junio de 2021.