
We are The Youth Orchestra from the University of Valladolid and we are pleased to welcome you to our web page. We hope you enjoy visiting it, and that you find helpful our information. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case of any doubt and we hope to see you soon in a future concert!

University of Valladolid Youth Orchestra was founded in 1998 and since then it has been developing a very hard work,  attending to orchestra training courses and carrying out concerts at several festivals.
Each year, since 1999, it hosts and organizes the University of Valladolid Contemporary Music Festival, as a sign of its sturdy attempt to the diffusion of contemporary music and its musicians.
JOUVa has visited several orchestras of different universities in Europe, because the music is the perfect link to meet people and create friendship ties with them.
It deserves special attention the staging of “Opera Project”, which takes place anually in collaboration with other bodies and associations of the University of Valladolid. This project aims to bring this format to all audiences.
University of Valladolid Youth Orchestra is charter member of the European Network of University Orchestras (ENUO).
We use to have five terms per year: Start of the Course, Christmas, Contemporary Music Festival, End of the Course and Summer.

· Start of the Course: from the X Anniversary of the Orchestra, we  preform a concert at the Symphony Hall of the Cultural Center “Miguel Delibes”. Rehearsals in October and the concert is the last weekend of October.

· Christmas: we perform several benefit concerts for UNICEF. Rehearsals in November and December and the concerts are before Christmas vacation.

· Contemporary Music Festival: it consists of a conference, a guest musician concert, a chamber music concert played by instrumentalists of the Orchestra and a concert performed by the Orchestra in full. Rehearsals in March and April and the concerts are the last week before Easter.

· End of the Course: we stage an opera in collaboration with other associations of the University of Valladolid. Rehearsals in April and May and the representations are the second week of May.

· Summer: it is a long rehearsal residency outside our region in order to prepare a complet concert program and carry out several performances.

To prepare each season we use to have a short rehearsal residency outside Valladolid in a long weekend (when it is possible) and we have more rehearsals another two or three weekends in Valladolid.

We want to express our interest on making exchanges with other youth orchestras. We think that this is the best way to meet other people with the same interests in order to establish a friendship. We are also interested in receiving orchestras which would like to visit our city and region; and inversely, to visit other orchestras which would invite us. Although, we prefer the option of making exchanges because they are a better and a more complete experience.

We have already done some exchanges with Orchestra of the Universtity of Utrecht (Nederlands), Orchestra of the University of Salerno (Italy) and Youth Orchestra of Strasbourg (France). We have also visited Orchestra of the University of Leuven (Belgium).

If you have any idea, proposition or question, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.