Conferencias plenarias
Felipe Cano:
Dominique Cerveau en Espagne.
Abstract: Revisión de los trabajos en colaboración de D. Cerveau con investigadores de España.
Congreso: Feuilletages et équations différentielles complexes.
Marseille (Francia), 15 al 19 de octubre de 2012.
Jorge Mozo:
On polynomial asymptotics and Ramis-Sibuya Theorem.
Abstract: In a joint paper with M. Canalis-Durand and R. SchÄafke, a notion of monomial asymptotics was introduced, in order to study doubly singular dfferential equations, i.e., singularly perturbed differential equations with a singularity in the parameter, and an irregular singularity in the variable.
In this talk, we propose a generalization of this notion, defining polynomial asymptotics in two variables. For this aim we use the reduction of the singularities of plane curves in order to reduce the polynomial to a normal crossing situation, where monomial asymptotics in applicable. Using reduction of singularities and cohomological arguments, we can prove a theorem of Ramis-Sibuya type suitable for this class of asymptotics.
It is a joint work with Reinhard Schäfke (Université de Strasbourg).
Congreso: Workshop on the differential and difference equations in the complex domain.
Varsovia, Polonia. 10 al 13 de Septiembre de 2012.
José Manuel Aroca.
Curso impartido: Transformations de Cremona.
Congreso: Ecole de recherche CIMPA: Singularité des espaces, des fonctions et des feuilletages.
Fez, Marruecos.
3 a 14 de Septiembre de 2012.